Solar Adria - accelerating solar energy deployment in coastal municipalities of the Adriatic region

Solar energy, although it has great potential, still lags behind other renewable energy sources both in Croatia as an EU member and in other countries in the region. The main obstacles to greater penetration of integrated solar systems were complex and lengthy licensing procedures (recently simplified), and unclear network metering regulations and limited subsidies. These factors have led to low investment and slow implementation of solar systems. Recently adopted policies are expected to change that. In the past year, progress has been made in removing these barriers, so it is the right time to open the solar market in the non-EU Adriatic region.

The project “SOLAR ADRIA: Accelerating solar energy deployment in the coastal municipalities of the Adriatic region” will enable municipalities in the Adriatic region to improve the development of solar energy systems in urban areas and thus facilitate the implementation of national climate policies. With pilots in two municipalities, Koper in Slovenia and Starigrad in Croatia, we will show how to effectively involve stakeholder input when selecting / designing locations for new solar installations.

The project is implemented by the Hrvoje Požar Energy Institute (EIHP), with partners: The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the University of Ljubljana and EnvPro, and the donor of the project is the European Climate Initiative (EUKI). The role of EnvPro in the project is reflected in the promotion of the methodology and results of the project to members of the energy community to strengthen the field of urban solar energy planning, exchange good practices and lessons learned and encourage replication and knowledge use for further work.