Interreg Smarter MED: SPOWIND project

SPOWIND project (Spatial Planning for Offshore Wind Industry Development) aim addresses offshore wind energy potential in the Mediterranean Sea, overcoming challenges with a marine spatial planning WebGIS tool. This assists stakeholders in decision-making on suitable locations and technologies. Through a maritime datahub and transnational cooperation, the project enhances coordination for sustainable energy production.

The project started in March 2024 to last 27 months and its consortium is comprised of 8 highly experienced partners from Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, and Portugal: Polytechnic University of Turin – Italia, UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS – Kýpros, Sapienza University of Rome – Italia, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems – Grece, Natural Agency of Natural Resources – Albania, Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar – Croatia, Environment Programme – Montenegro, Centre for New Energy Technologies – Portugal. EnvPro’s associate partner is: Ministry of energy and mining and role in disseminating info and providing for local pilot feasibility.

It is funded through INTERREG MED, Funding Programme: 1 – Smarter MED.

For more information about our upcoming activities stay tuned on project’s website and social media accounts