Skadar/Shkoder Lake Watershed - a Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (SLW - TBR)

UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme

The project intends to bring positive impact to the important transboundary ecosystem shared between Albania and Montenegro to sustainably and collaboratively manage the area for the benefit of communities and of nature itself, in line with conditions of UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme.

Expected outputs of the Action are:

Partners in the project are: Environmental centre for Development, Education and Networking (EDEN centre), Environment Programme (EnvPro), Public Enterprise National Parks of Montenegro (PENPM), Regional Directory of Shkoder/ National Agency of Protected Areas in Albania (NAPA) Associate partners are: Ministry of Ecology, Spatial planning and Urbanisation in Montenegro (MoESPU), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Montenegro and Ministry of Tourism and Environment in Albania (MoTE).

The project started in February 1st, 2023, and will last 30 months. It is funded under Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Montenegro - Albania 2014-2020, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II), EU funds.