Ćemovsko polje - Winning over the hearts of local citizens

aims to conserve important bird species of this area with the help of local residents and nature-lovers

Ćemovsko field on one hand suffers from many anthropogenic pressures: waste disposal, fires, devastation by illegal construction, neglect by relevant Institutions. On the other hand, nationally and internationally important bird species that inhabit Ćemovsko field are endangered and suffering from population decline, while some bird species typical for pseudo steppe habitats, which Ćemovsko field is, have been missing for decades from the area.

The aim of the project is to establish effective protection of bird fauna and ecologically valuable habitats on the territory of the Capital City. With this project we aim to create preconditions for formal and legal protection of Ćemovsko Polje through: 1) Establishing long-term cooperation with decision makers and main stakeholders on the conservation of Ćemovsko field species and habitat, 2) Revitalizating the area with conservation measures and monitoring of the status of the habitat and 3) Raising knowledge and awareness of the importance of Ćemovsko Polje with stakeholders and the general public.

The project is supported under the Regional Program for Local Democracy in the Western Balkans - ReLOaD. This regional program is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). In Montenegro, the ReLOaD program is implemented in partnership with the municipalities of Podgorica, Tivat, Kotor, Nikšic and Pljevlja. This project’s duration is October 22nd 2019 - June 21st 2020, while a few project activities will continue running after the project ends too.